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Insights: Taxing times ahead

Published:  13 December, 2024

With the aim of providing clarity for the trade, James Bayley once again highlights what’s coming down the line.


Alcohol Duty: ‘One tax rise in a year is alarming, two is unacceptable’

Published:  17 November, 2023

Ahead of the Autumn Statement on 22 November, senior figures in the wine industry are voicing their concerns amidst fears of a second alcohol duty rise in the space of four months.


Conservative Party members oppose wine tax hikes

Published:  09 August, 2022

According to new YouGov research, over three-quarters of Tory party members want tax on wine to be frozen at its current rate or reduced.


Miles Beale speaks out against the government’s £300m tax increase on wine

Published:  23 May, 2022

As the latest Wine Drinkers UK communique suggests, taxing alcohol is set to cost the wine industry an estimated £300 million and push up prices for UK consumers, without bringing any significant boost to Treasury funds.